Kaitlin Nunez
5 Things to Bring on Every Hike
What’s in my backpack? Water Find a reusable water bottle you love, and always have it ready to go! The standard is about 32 oz (or one liter) per person for every 2 hours you expect to be on the trail, but it also depends…
Two Sprouts In Brussels
Brussels September 15, 2019 One of many sights that awaited us in Brussels. By the time our last day in Noordwijk arrived we had finally gotten a handle on the train and bus system and had our route to the airport worked out. We walked…
Memphis Part 1: Sun Studio
July 19th, 2018 In the morning, the creepy archery range looks way less Resident Evil when we get out of the van, and I see that we’re kind of sideways parked in the forest and off of the dirt road. Whoops. This tends to happen…
Arkansas: Gone With the Humidity
July 18th, 2018 We drove to Arkansas in one straight shot from Austin and it was a long one. Our A/C has been failing again because it seems to need more freon every hundred miles to function, so a lot of the time to save…
Carls-Batcave Caverns
July 15th, 2018 Carlsbad Caverns is four hours and thirty minutes from Santa Fe and is about as exciting as you’d expect for a drive through the summer desert landscape. By the time we arrived the wind was once again making itself known, and the…
Taking the Right Turn to Albuquerque (and Santa Fe)
July 14th-15th, 2018 We were blown into Albuquerque, New Mexico by the flurries of monsoon season and (from my end) a whole lot of Bugs Bunny impressions. The rain was taking no prisoners that day- we all inched along the freeway as rain blasted the…
A Bloom With a View
March 16th, 2019 If you’ve been following any news outlets this month you’ve probably heard all about the Super Bloom. I’m not particularly inclined towards gardening- although I enjoy looking at flowers, I certainly do not have a talent for growing them. However, as soon…